About Me

Duanshun Li is a Ph.D Candidate in Civil Engineering at University of Alberta, supervised by Prof. Ming Lu. I received my MSc degree in Photogrammetry and Remonte Sensing and a Bachelor degree in Goematics Engineering both from Wuhan University.

My research include computer vision, machine learning, and their applications in the engineering fields.

I am currently preparing to graduate and actively looking for job oppurtunities in computer vision related jobs.

Email: d.shun.lee@gmail.com

Worked At


Refereed Journal Publications

Li, D., and Lu, M. (2018). Integrating geometric models, site images and GIS based on Google Earth and Keyhole Markup Language. Automation in Construction, 89, 317-331.

Li, D., and Lu, M. (2016). Automated generation of work breakdown structure and project network model for earthworks project planning: a flow network-based optimization approach. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 143(1), 04016086.

Li, D., Petre, C., Kerr, C., Joseph, T., AbouRizk, S., and Mohamed, Y. (2016). Modelling hauler movement in a distributed simulation of earthmoving operations. International Journal of Service and Computing Oriented Manufacturing, 2(3-4), 226-244.

Submitted Journal Publications

Li, D., and Feng, C. (2018). Primitive Fitting Using Deep Boundary Aware Geometric Segmentation. Submitted to IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters.

Li, D., and Lu, M. (2018). Towards Fully Integrated and Automated Construction Planning for Earthworks Planning. Submitted to Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering.

Conference Publications

Li D., Yi, D., and Lu M. (2017). Automated Project Planning And Resource Constrained Scheduling On A Rough Grading Project, International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, Seattle, USA.

Mao S., Li D., and Lu, M. (2015). Analytical comparison of distance based and angle based Kinematic model for backhoe excavators bucket tip positioning, International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality, Banff, Canada

Li D., Liu C., and Lu M. (2015). Optimizing earthwork hauling plan with minimum cost flow network, International Construction Specialty Conference, Vancouver, Canada.

Li D., Petre C., Kerr C., Joseph T., AbouRizk S., and Mohamed Y. (2014). Design and development of a distributed earthmoving, European Modelling and Simulation Symposium, Bordeaux, France.

Li D., Mao S., and Lu M. (2015). Analytical TBM Pose Precision And Sensitivity Evaluation For Underground Tunneling, International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction and Mining, Oulu, Finland.

Deng F., and Li D. (2013). Stitching error and perspective approximation accuracy analysis of modern panoramic cameras, International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology, Taipei, China.

Deng F., Li D., Yan L., Fan H. (2012). Automatic Texture Mapping With An Omnidirectional Camera Mounted On A Vehicle Towards Large Scale 3d City Models, International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, XXXIX-B1, p.355-360.

Deng F., Li D., Zhao Z., Hu Y. (2012). Cultural Heritage Reconstruction System Based On Structure from Motion, International Conference on Remote Sensing and Applications, Beijing, China.